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Writer's pictureEmily Kohl

Susie Trimble at Christ Episcopal Church

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

By Kylin

On June 17th, the BV Tree Team went to the Christ Episcopal Church in downtown Buena Vista to talk to Ms. Susie Trimble. First, we explained the purpose of BV Cool Trees and what the program will be accomplishing over the next 2-3 years.

Next, the Tree Team asked about planting trees on the property of Christ Episcopal Church, to which Ms. Trimble enthusiastically agreed. Not only was she excited about tree-planting around the church, but she already had ideas about what species of trees would work well for their location. She was interested in evergreens, flowering crab trees, and, dogwoods.

Ms. Trimble also brought up a potential problem for planting trees on their property: in the fall, when leaves are cleared off their yard and onto the sidewalks, they sometimes blow back into the yards before the city collects them. This is a potential problem for the church because the leaves can cover their yard and parking spots as well, and there are not many people on the church staff who can help to clear them away.

This conversation with Ms. Trimble helped to grow our knowledge in several ways. First, we got a better understanding of what trees are wanted downtown. We also learned about the potential problem of leaf maintenance for certain organizations or individuals. To help support this, the BV Cool Trees team can choose trees that are less likely to create problems in the fall, and they can also work with the City to ensure that leaves are collected regularly. This was a very informative conversation, and Ms. Trimbel was very kind and welcoming to us.

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